anchoring / strapping is currently required on all water heaters
in California as a health and safety requirement. However,
the requirements differ from city to city. The minimum requirements
for individual cities generally fall into two categories:
1. State of California minimum requirements (1994 Uniform
Plumbing Code) and
2. California State Architects Office Requirements.
The state
of California implementeda law in January 1996, requiring
that the water heater tanks in homes being sold in the state
had to be braced / anchored to guard against seismic movement.
The law requires that the bracing was to be provided by sellers
for the buyers of the properties and to be done consistent
with the State Architects Specifications. The law was amended
in July of 1996 to identify the 1994 Uniform Plumbing Code
seismic strapping requirements as the minimum state requirement.
State of California minimum requirements:
water heaters to be anchored or strapped to resist horizontal
displacement due to earthquake motion as per specified in
the 1994 Uniform Plumbing Code. Strapping shall be at points
within the upper one-third (1/3) and lower one-third (1/3)
of its vertical dimensions. At the lower point, a minimum
distance of four (4) inches shall be maintained above the
controls with the strapping. State Architects Office seismic
strapping provisions, effective January 1996 has varied means
of securing a water heater tank. It is commonly accomplished
by providing a metal strap wrapped around both the upper and
lower sections of the tank and located approximately 1/3 down
from the top and 1/3 up from the bottom, respectively. These
need to be bolted into the adjacent wall / framing with lag
bolts. Provisions for support of the back of the tank are
required and may need to be of a non-combustible material
(see the labels on your specific tank that identifies minimum
distances to combustible materials). Tanks larger than 50
gallons may require additional strapping (75 gallon tank requires
3 straps). For more specific information and diagrams, refer
to the Office of the State Architect (916-324-5315).