was founded in 1990 to provide homebuyers and homeowners with
accurate and unbiased information about their homes. To assure
you of this, and to prevent any perception of a conflict-of-interest,
we do NOT provide repairs to the houses that we inspect.
Your job as a home buyer or home seller is to gather and
assemble the varied pieces of information received from each
of your consultants. Your home inspector
along with your appraiser, termite inspector and possibly
others can each provide you with a piece of the total picture.
You, with assistance from your Realtor, will then be uniquely
positioned to make informed decisions.
Inspector's Role
A home inspector's job is to examine and discover a homes
physical condition and to communicate that information to
you, the client. With a WellHouse inspection and report you
will have a better understanding of the houses condition.
Then you can make an informed purchase decision.