a home inspection is more than checking a box.
is our most important tool. The information discovered during
your home inspection is useless until it is communicated and
understandable to you. Our easy-to-read WellHouse home inspection
report simplifies your job of reading and understanding the
WellHouse Report has been designed to exceed the standards
of ASHI. It is quick and easy-to-read like a check box report
but has the depth and detail of a narrative style report.
The WellHouse Report is written in plain English. The report
is organized into building systems with specialized and hard-to-read
terminology avoided whenever possible. "Observed Conditions"
items are numbered for quick and easy reference which simplifies
your communication of the report to a third-party.
can provide you with a sophisticated and individualized reporting
because of cutting-edge technology. Our software inspection
system, WinSpect, was specifically developed for use on field
(pen) computers and is the culmination of years of development
and testing. It is for the exclusive use of WellHouse inspectors.
This awesome tool improves the inspector's accuracy, knowledge
base and speed. Your finished report is a sophisticated document
complete with very detailed observations that you can quickly
skim-through or read in-depth.
a WellHouse sample